Welcome to St Augustine Parish! Bienvenidos a la Parroquia de San Augustín! 

10 Campfield Ave. Hartford CT 06114

 W e are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is: 

 ​To proclaim the Gospel of Christ to our local community in word, deed, and truth.

Mass Schedule                                                                          Horarios de Misas

English Masses:

Saturday:  8:00 a.m.

Saturday:  4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass

Sunday:     9:00 am   

​Daily Mass

Monday:         7:30 am

Tuesday:         7:30 am

Wednesday:   7:30 am

Thursday:       7:30 am

Friday:             7:30 am


Saturdays: 3 pm

If you like to speak with a Priest call to the rectory office at (860) 522-7128.

Misas en Español

Domingos: 10:30 am y 12:30 pm

Martes 5:00 pm Adoracion Eucaristica

Martes: 6:30 pm

Jueves: 6:30 pm

Horario de Confesiones: 

Sábados: 3pm

Si Ud. necesita hablar con el Sacerdote puede llamar a la oficina parroquial al (860) 522-7128

Exposición de la Santa Eucaristía:

Todos los martes 5:30 pm seguido por la Santa Misa 6:30 pm

LENT and HOLY WEEK 2025 a season of renewal CUARESMA y SEMANA SANTA

Retreat | Retiro Juan 23


Parish Office Hours

 Horario de Oficina

Mon:          9:00AM -2:30 P.M.

Tue:           9:00 AM –2:30 P.M.

Wed:         9:00 AM – 2:30 P.M. 

Thu:          9:00 AM – 2:30 P.M. 

Fri:             9:00 AM – 2:30 P.M.

Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed

CCD Religious Education for children from 5 yrs old to 17 yrs old.

Clases de preparacion para Educacion Religiosa desde 5 años hasta 17 años

Our Religious Education is placed on Michael D. Elementary Fox School 470 maple Ave Hartford CT 06114

Our DRA Jennifer Torres

Directora Jennifer Torres

           Our Weekly Bulletin | Boletin Semanal

Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne

New Paragraph

    St. Augustine Parish was established in August 1902 with Fr. Michael Barry appointed as its first pastor. At that time, a church building had not yet been constructed so Mass was offered at the Washington Street School until a basement chapel was completed in 1903. The current Romanesque-style church was completed in 1912 and dedicated by Bishop John J. Nilan of the then Diocese of Hartford in June of that year. By 1928, a school had been constructed and was run by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery. On July 23, 1934, the Hartford City Council named the surrounding area of the church "Barry Square" in honor of the parish's first pastor.

    In 2017, the Saint Anne/Immaculate Conception Parish was merged into St. Augustine Parish. The Saint Anne/Immaculate church building subsequently closed.

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